The Central State Journalism and Digital Media program is trying to locate production equipment that went missing over the summer. The program is missing at least two camera kits, each furnished with a camera, microphone and a task cam used to record audio.
“This puts us at a major disadvantage,” senior Timothy Hall-Norman said. “How can production majors do film assignments with no camera equipment?”
Program coordinator Dr. Lovette Chinwah-Adegbola said the program is looking into the matter.
“The facts are not clear on the situation, but an investigation is taking place,” Chinwah said. “We do not have enough information to make any conclusions.”
The journalism program is still offering COM 3400: TV Production fall term in the Communications Center production studio. Technicians with Dayton Area TV, cable access, performed maintenance on the studio at the start of the term to ensure that it was in good working order.
If you have any information about the missing equipment, you are encouraged to contact either Dr. Chinwah-Adegbola or the campus police department.